how would i make a 3 gal sump/refug under my 29 reef?


Active Member
hey guys!
i was going to get the CPR hang on refug..but i was thinking last night, of putting a little 3 gallon tank in my stand...... and doing it that way. adding LS, LR rubble, algae, etc...
what do you guys think of this?
would this be better?
but my question is, how would i get water to flow in and out of it? is it more costly then the 83 dollar CPR hangon? this way , running the 13 watt PC wouldnt bother me while im sleeping b/c it will be under the tank.
how do i do it?
how much will it cost? what do i need?
thanks a whole lot!
I would think tht a $10 /10gallon tank from walmart would do the trick. use a power head to pump from the ref to the sump, and drain your overflow to the ref.
I think that bigger is better but 10g on a thirty gallon tank may be overkill, but it would be cool.
You also could consider a rubbermaid type container. They come in a wide array of sizes and configurations. You can find one which will fit inside of your stand with no problem.
That is what I use on my 115. I have a 10g container which I allow one of my overflows to drain into, but instead of a powerhead to bump water back, I used 1-1/2" PVC to make a gravity drain. I cut a hole in the side with a razor and used about $3 worth of plumbing to acomplish it.
My 10g cost me about $85 including the dedicated overflow box and a 20watt fixture and plant grow bulb.
There are a lot of ways to do what you want to accomplish, and there are many more knowledgable folks than I on this board, but this works for me and very well, I might add


Active Member
i dont really understand
i just ordered the HANG ON REFUGIUM by CPR...
12 inch one for 83 bucks
it would be so cool if i could cheaply do this with a 3 gallon tank under my the light doesnt bug me at night
i dont have an overflow, nor do i know how to set one up
how much money is involved in me doing this process?
how do i get water from my display tank down to the 3 gallon, without overflowing it, and then back up to the display?
is the hang on refug a better idea?
i need to know quick, so i can cancel my order if needed


Active Member
main reason for wanting to do this is the light, and so i can see whats in the refug..and trim the algae etc.
a 3 gal would fit perfectly. ALL I HAVE IS THE REEF TANK, NO SUMP or REFUG. i just want to make a refugium i guess?
Whats the differnce of a sump and refug?
so i basically want the 3 gal glass tank under the stand, with my 13 watt light so i can look in it, and the light wont be shining out the back of my tank at night...and getting into my tank as well!?
what do i need to do?
i have no overflow. how much are they?
whats a total cost estimate of the entire project (excluding the 3 gallon tank, i have that already)
thanks a bunch
If you do not currently have a sump, I believe that a refugium setup would be without merit...unless you realy wanted one...just to have it. I am one of those guys that "needs one" because I can, so I am sympathetic.
With that disclaimer out of the way, may I offer the following suggestion...
1. At least 55gallon refugium
2. 175 watts of Metal Halide
3. Protein skimer
4. another 175 watt MH
Seriously, have fun with this...If you think the hang on ref is what is best...don't cancel that order.
Consider this, a refugium is a "refuge" for the critters that can't make it in the tank....plants, seahorses, and stuff like that.
Don't be "cheap" but don't waste money either.