The title says it all. Now that you are experienced in nano keeping how would you redo the tank if you could?
In August I will be moving 450 miles to San Diego for graduate school. I have a tiny little Honda Civic and will be very limited on what I can take with me. I might end up making two car trips but for now lets just assume one. I'm already thinking about how much of a pain in the ass it will be to break down my nano 24 and take it with me. At the moment I'm considering just taking the live stock, live rock, and a few necessary accessories with me and ditching the tank.
Having had this nano cube for 7 months now I realized I would like a longer tank as opposed to the cube look of the nano cube. I would then have more real estate to keep more corals. I dont want anymore fish as I am content with what I have. So if I were to redo this entire system I think I would keep my live stock in a big rubbermaid with a heater and powerhead while I cycle any new tank I would buy with my existing live rock.
Enough rambling.
1. If you were to redo your nano would you go with one of the existing nano tanks?
2. If you are not using a all in one tank what kind of filtration would you use?
3. How would you redo your nano if you could start from scratch?
In August I will be moving 450 miles to San Diego for graduate school. I have a tiny little Honda Civic and will be very limited on what I can take with me. I might end up making two car trips but for now lets just assume one. I'm already thinking about how much of a pain in the ass it will be to break down my nano 24 and take it with me. At the moment I'm considering just taking the live stock, live rock, and a few necessary accessories with me and ditching the tank.
Having had this nano cube for 7 months now I realized I would like a longer tank as opposed to the cube look of the nano cube. I would then have more real estate to keep more corals. I dont want anymore fish as I am content with what I have. So if I were to redo this entire system I think I would keep my live stock in a big rubbermaid with a heater and powerhead while I cycle any new tank I would buy with my existing live rock.
Enough rambling.
1. If you were to redo your nano would you go with one of the existing nano tanks?
2. If you are not using a all in one tank what kind of filtration would you use?
3. How would you redo your nano if you could start from scratch?