How Would You Redo Your System?

The title says it all. Now that you are experienced in nano keeping how would you redo the tank if you could?
In August I will be moving 450 miles to San Diego for graduate school. I have a tiny little Honda Civic and will be very limited on what I can take with me. I might end up making two car trips but for now lets just assume one. I'm already thinking about how much of a pain in the ass it will be to break down my nano 24 and take it with me. At the moment I'm considering just taking the live stock, live rock, and a few necessary accessories with me and ditching the tank.
Having had this nano cube for 7 months now I realized I would like a longer tank as opposed to the cube look of the nano cube. I would then have more real estate to keep more corals. I dont want anymore fish as I am content with what I have. So if I were to redo this entire system I think I would keep my live stock in a big rubbermaid with a heater and powerhead while I cycle any new tank I would buy with my existing live rock.
Enough rambling.
1. If you were to redo your nano would you go with one of the existing nano tanks?
2. If you are not using a all in one tank what kind of filtration would you use?
3. How would you redo your nano if you could start from scratch?


Active Member
1) no, would want a better depth
2) purigen, chemi pure elite, chaeto
3) rimless plus a big sump/refugium

small triggers

Active Member
id rather have a ada w/ a halide so i could keep the corals i like (and because i envy Dmartini soooo much!)....
OR a red sea max 265liter (how many gallons is that by the way,, like 45ish?)
thats about it.....
atleast a 29g or larger,, my 12g is making me angry lately...


Well-Known Member

I have no advice the three questions you asked, I have a little insight on transporting everything....
You don't need a heater to keep the rock in a tub, a power head is enough to keep it alive and well. During transport you don't have to cover it at all with water, damp newspaper is all you need. A plastic garbage can (NEW) with a lid works great for keeping it moist. I put sand in buckets, it is very heavy, but will stay wet.
Don't transfer fish, rock or corals together. Put rock in a tub (plastic can) and corals and fish separated in baggies. Put the water from your system into 5g jugs and transport. Set it up when you arrive ASAP.
Originally Posted by small triggers
id rather have a ada w/ a halide so i could keep the corals i like (and because i envy Dmartini soooo much!)....
OR a red sea max 265liter (how many gallons is that by the way,, like 45ish?)
thats about it.....
atleast a 29g or larger,, my 12g is making me angry lately...
You know I was wondering if they make rimless ADA tanks around 30g. I think I would totally be down with that. I've been pretty unhappy with my tank lately too.... I just feel like if I knew then what I know now I coulda done it better. By the way, suppose there is a 30g ADA rimless, you think the structural integrity would be ok to drill for an overflow?
Originally Posted by Flower

I have no advice the three questions you asked, I have a little insight on transporting everything....
You don't need a heater to keep the rock in a tub, a power head is enough to keep it alive and well. During transport you don't have to cover it at all with water, damp newspaper is all you need. A plastic garbage can (NEW) with a lid works great for keeping it moist. I put sand in buckets, it is very heavy, but will stay wet.
Don't transfer fish, rock or corals together. Put rock in a tub (plastic can) and corals and fish separated in baggies. Put the water from your system into 5g jugs and transport. Set it up when you arrive ASAP.
It's at least a 6 to 7 hour car ride. That seems like a long time to go with just damp newspaper. In any case, I have no intention on taking any of the sand with me I was just thinking of setting up a quarantine style bucket temporarily while I set up a new tank.


Active Member
You cannot drill the ADA tanks. I've contacted them and they use tempered panes. Also, don't stick to just ADA just cause you were impressed by demartini's. hers is really nice because of everything combined (scape, coral choice, and all the other stuff). same goes with mh, dont stick to it just cause of one example. btw theres alot of other nice brand of rimless tanks if thats the way you're wanting to go. there's GLA and Mr. Aqua. I've heard nothing but awesome things about the Mr. Aqua tanks. They're also half the price of ADA. I will be starting my new build soon and its rimless. It's custom, and I highly recommend custom. You get exactly what you want as long as you're willing to shell out.

small triggers

Active Member
nikeSB,,, i was being a tad bit fasiatus (sp?) I do LOVE Demartinis tanks,,,, but i LOVEEEEE ada tanks as i havent had one yet.... and halides are also one of the best for some of the SPS and LPS i want,,, but i would have to choose between that and maybe a high powered PAR light...but i only want ONE light above the tank,,, so that is why id go with the halide...
and beleive me i have a tad bit of experiance and knowledge behind what i would choose if i had the money.... but this was more of a 'what would you do if you wanted' kinda thing.....
What kind of filtration would you use with an ADA if you cant drill the tank? Also for lighting I would be tempted to get those evil par38 lights Spanko was talking about.


Active Member
nice choice contra. I didnt mean to come off as mean, I just meant to say theres alot more choices giving you the option to drill! it sucks that ADA went that way. They do have pre-drilled systems with overflows but they wanted 700$ for one of those.

they look awesome, but i have not contacted them about drilling.
No worries bro man. I dont think anybody is offended. Still thinking of the best way to do filtration for a rimless style tank. I dont know if they can support HOB refugiums. That might be a good option if it can support the weight but it may take away from the nice view.


Active Member
that is a good point. these are really thin glass compared to the custom quotes i received which were using 3/8" glass for rimless. To keep it away from taking the look, the only way is drilling it and having a sump. if its a thicker rimless, an hob would be fine, maybe put some foam between the the HOB and the glass. And eventually you can rockscape so that it covers most of the tube.


Active Member
Also, the HOB is definately not needed. just some kind of circulation is needed. then chaeto can be hidden behind the rockwork
I might try out a 10g rimless. You really think the biological filtration is good enough on its own? I know for me personally the chaeto in the tank would be an eye sore.


Active Member
thats why its gotta be hidden. a local fish store has a display with no filtration whatsoever, its been up for 2 years now