howdo i get rid of cloudy water ?


Active Member
What did you do to the tank just prior to it becoming cloudy? How long has the tank been set up? Do you do anything to it recently? Ya gotta give us some clues.


did you put crushed coral in the tank? did you rinse it off first?
i rinsed mine off quite alot and it still clouded up for almost a day and a half.
do you have anything living in it yet? if not, i have read on this board about turning off your pumps, filters, powerheads and letting it all silt down.
water changes may also do the trick.
i am pretty new to this, so i could be wrong.
unrinsed crushed coral + added directly to tank = giant silt storm.


its an established tank,i added new water the other day since my
filter was leaking at the motor,its a whisper 60!!!m i have an eel and a puffer in there !!


Active Member
Added new water? What do you mean by this? How much water did you put in at once? Was it purified? What is the specific gravity of your tank water.
My concern is that it is generally not a good sign if your water turns cloudy just from adding water.
ps- did you disturb the sand when you added the water?


Active Member
After answering the questions above, what are your tank levels at? After a water change, whether you disturb the gravel or not, the tank should totally clear up by the next day at the latest.


How did you stop the leak? Did you happen to change out the 2 filter pads at the same time? If you did maybe its a bacterial bloom. The bacteria just needs time to settle-in on the new pads. ...Just a thought.:thinking: