Howdy Y'all!

jawja peach

New Member
Just found this AWESOME board & wanted to introduce myself before I start peppering you all with questions.

I set up my first SW tank in July of 2005 and have had great success, even though I tend to fly by the seat of my pants.
I started with:
  • a 120 gal. with a 75g sump
  • homemade canister-type filter
  • overflow box w/dual 1200 gph
  • 2 mag-12's
  • 3 maxi-jet 1200's
    120# Fiji LR
    about 120# LS
    a 48" Aqualight Pro (w/ 2-150W HQI, 2-96W CF, & 3 Lunar lights)
    2 - 250W Stealth Heaters
I cycled my tank with two fresh jumbo shrimp from the local meat market. LOL - Smelled like crap, but worked like a charm. Totally freaked my LFS guy out. After it was cycled I added about 150 hermits and snails and some damsels.
Of course, I had some deaths when I started stocking, but I was careful to stock with cheap fish in the beginning. I developed a good relationship with the LFS owner who had been a hobbyist since he was 11 y.o., and was very willing to teach me. I paid him to do my bi-monthly water changes so I could watch/help and learn.
About a month after setup I got serious - added a giant cup mushroom, favia brain, tonga rock w/ star polyps, button polyps and I was HOOKED!!!
A few days later I added a Coral Beauty (She had been returned to the store by someone taking down their setup and was at least a year old. She lived with me for 2 years before she died), a Sally Lightfoot, a sand star, a glider ladder goby, and a 36W UV Filter (turbotwist).
Month 3, I added Tangs - a Powder Blue and Sailfin Yellow. The Sailfin is still with me and doing great - the Powder Blue lived about 1.5 years. Then came the cleaner shrimp, Candy coral, Plate Coral, Lawnmower Blenny, Orange Fan Sponge, and more LR.
Month 4, I added my Yellow Banded Maroon Clown and a Bubble-Tip Anemone, a sun coral, Electric Flame Scallop, Fairy Wrasse, and another plate.
Along the way I had a matched pair of true-percula clowns die within days of coming home, and got to watch a huge, gorgeous bubble tip anemone split. I flushed a blue carpet anenome down the toilet
, battled & beat a nasty case of red flatworms, and spent more money than I would have ever DREAMED I would spend on a hobby!!!
I was lucky enough to get my hands on two different show quality corals - both multi-branched - a Frogspawn and a Hammer. Both were about 10 inches in diameter and absolutely beautiful. I had great luck for about 9 months with a goniopora and mourned when it died. I had three aiptasia that never spread but had lots of personality as they moved around the aquarium. Other Corals: Kenya Tree, Wellsophylia Brain, several different zoos. Also, a decorator crab, and a clam.
Eight months into things I added a Protein Skimmer in my sump and bought a 12 gal Nanocube.
The Nanocube is currently stocked with LR, LS, a Sebae Anemone, a Clown, a lawnmower, pencil urchin, hermits, and a gorilla crab (which, despite his bad reputation, we LOVE!)
So... Now you know me... sit back and prepare for the questions. I've had a run of bad luck lately and am going to do my darndest to pick your brains dry!
I will try to do searches and make sure my questions aren't too redundant, but if I ask something that has been asked/answered a million times - just bop me upside the head and I'll search further.
Now - I'm off to the fish forum for my first question...


Active Member
Welcome the name. Sounds like you are coming in with some experience.

jawja peach

New Member
Hey! Thanks - but if you check out my thread about my wrasse problem, you will see that I am pretty much stumbling around in the dark.
Truly though - I have just been super lucky. I had a great LFS owner to learn from until he disappeared off the face of the earth. I am completely in awe of those of you who understand all the equipment and stuff. There is SO much to learn - I'm just really looking forward to learning a BUNCH here!


Active Member

Welcome to SWF.
There are lots of great hobbiests here that eventually all problems get solved.

Lots of fun also.


welcome to the community and board. ask away and it looks like you have a good start on your tank!!!
do you have any pics of your setup?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jawja Peach
Hey! Thanks - but if you check out my thread about my wrasse problem, you will see that I am pretty much stumbling around in the dark.
Truly though - I have just been super lucky. I had a great LFS owner to learn from until he disappeared off the face of the earth. I am completely in awe of those of you who understand all the equipment and stuff. There is SO much to learn - I'm just really looking forward to learning a BUNCH here!
Welcome! you're going to find that luck is always a big factor in this hobby, and that many of us, like you are still learning.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Hi and welcome to the boards. Now let me be the first one to
you. Your statment that you lost some fish but you were careful not to stock with expensive fish sounds like it was ok to have the fish die because they were inexpensive. I am sure you did not mean it that way but some people may have taken it that way IMO. Welcome again and I can assure you there is never a dull moment on these boards

keith burn

Active Member
Welcome) We all get experience like that. And by helping others.
Read,read,read,and ask questions.good luck and most of all (got pis)...