Hows my water parameters?


Just started this tank about 3 weeks ago, used 50 lbs of living rock from my old tank that was a little over 3 years old, added an additional 40 lbs of living rock. Also used a few scoops of my living sand to mix in with the new living sand. I just adding a clean up crew a few days ago and have 3 fish and 2 anemones, also a brittle starfish from my old tank. Everything is doing fine. I want to start adding some soft corals. Is there any improvements needed with my parameters? Thanks for any help
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
PH - 8.2
DKH - 10
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 420
Salinity - 1.025
Temp -78, gets up to about 80.5 with lights on for 6 hrs, I started out with 5 hrs, just moved them to 6 hrs this week, will eventually be up to 8 hrs in 2 weeks, lights are 400 watt MH, reefstar by hamilton, 14000k bulb. I removed the glass top and have a powerhead agitating the surface. It does warm the water about 2.5 degrees but it takes 5 hrs to do this then it levels out, takes all night for it to get back down to 78, is this a problem?