Hows this setup sound


in about a year or so my bedroom is going to be remodeled and there is going to be a 120 gallon tank in the wall. I already have the tank and it is my oscar tank. I want to go agressive for this setup. A tesselta eel or a zebra. Volitan lionfish and a picasso trigger? would this work out? going to have 'round 80-90 lbs of LR.


Active Member
Skip the tessy. A zebra, lion, and trigger will be fine. You'll just need to watch the trigger to make sure he doesn't nip at the lions' fins. You could also add another fish such as a tusk, small grouper, hardy tang, etc. Sounds like your gonna have a nice tank soon.


hmm i have had bad luck with tangs. no tangs. Lets see a zebra moray, picasso trigger, and how about a large angel of some sort. I dont really want to risk myself with a lion.

debbie g

Hi Velocity, I know you posted that q back in November, but on the outside chance that your remodeling is taking a long time...I wanted to put in my two cents about mixing a lion with a trigger. I had the lion since it was about 2 inches long. The trigger was much bigger and never bothered it. The lion got to be about 6 or 7 inches long and it was then that the trigger launched a nighttime attack on the lion and practically ripped him to shreds. Of course it was after that happened that I read sooner or later, a trigger will make a chew toy out of a lion.
Good luck!
Debbie G


I have a 72 gall bowfront that I have asked questions about in the past. This is a whole new set up i am planning, saving, and creating. I want to have it all ready so that when the time comes to set my 120 gallon up, it will be perfect. In about a year or 2 i am addind on a new bedroom which will be mine, and a 120 gallon tank is going in there. Its going to be an aggressive tank so i am asking questions about it. This is my first time adking a question about this tank setup. Im sorry if I had comfused other people.


Also what I am saying is that i wish not to have a lionfish in that tank. A zebra moray, a trigger, and some other sort of large hardy fish. Possibly a panther grouper.


Panther grouper

dogface puffer

Picasso Trigger

Zebra Moray
Im still unsure about the panther grouper.


Active Member
A panther will outgrow a 120 rather quickly. If you'd like a grouper, look into miniatus, blue lines, and blue dots. They stay a bit more managable in size. Trigger and puffer can have the same problems as trigger and lionfish, especially if the trigger is larger or has been in the tank longer. A lot of times it works out though, it's just something to keep an eye on.

debbie g

Jackson Five, The trigger that killed my lion was a clowntrigger. And he was HALF the size of the lion.
Debbie G