HQI over JBJ nano DX


I am hoping for some answers and advise.
I just put a 10K HQI over my tank and was wonderig if a 14K or 20K would eliminate the need for Actinic PC lights? How long should I let it run for a day? thanks for the inf all is appreciated. Thanks


Not in my opinion, 14k or 20k will not eliminate the need for actinics. Actinics emit light at a different wavelength than HQI lighting and that is to supplement corals that are found in deeper waters, because the light is bluer. Some sites say that 14k lights will eliminate the need for actinics and that may be true but I prefer to have my reef setup to simulate the natural environment as closely as possible. I may be totally wrong so don't take just my advice.
Also, actinics allow for a more natural light progression instead of your HQI lights just all of a sudden coming on. I run my system with moon lights on, then actinics come on for 30 minutes, then the HQIs come on, then go off, actinics remain on for 30 minutes after, with the moonlights on, then moonlights only.
I let my lights run for 10 hours a day.


Active Member
a radium 20k will eliminate the need for actinics as it gives that pop. people with mh on nano's usually use it for the dawn/dusk lighting as chaseter said. for photoperiod, i'd say all you need is really about 5-6 hours of daylight. i run my t5 actinis for 9 hours while my mh is on for only 7.