HQI the same as MH?



HQI is a type of metal halide bulb. HQI bulbs are what are considered double ended bulbs. They are supposed to produce less heat and more light than comparable single ended metal halide bulbs.


hqi are run much harder if used with an electronic ballast. (i belive)
anyways they are driver harder, producing a higher par value. so yes they need to be changes sooner, but you will see better growth with a de.
so i hear. im in the same boat as u im about 2 order 2 250 w reeflux 12k de bulbs
its either reeflux 12k with 2 vho's
or 2- 14k hamiltons


I ran 14K hamilton 250W DE bulbs on an icecap electric ballast for a year and did not see a lot of coral growth. From what I have heard, the 12K reeflux are supposed to be pretty good. I like the blue look so I personally would get the 12k over the 10k.


Active Member
HQI is a magnetic ballast type used to drive double ended bulbs. electronic ballast can drive double ended bulbs but arent HQI. likewise HQI ballast can be used to drive single ended bulbs. in 250w form HQI ballast operate closer to 300watts hence they will outperform electronic, pulse start and probe start magnetic ballast (regardless of if its a single ended or double ended bulb). The only reason HQI and double ended bulbs are used interchangeably is because with magnetic ballast you need an HQI ballast to fire them (probe and pulse start wont fire double ended bulbs).


Active Member
stanlalee got it!!!! just think of HQI as overdriving MH bulb... thsi if for he people who dont want 400wattss and 250 watt ain't enough... but, af far as i know... hqi produce more heat... and not the other way around...


Active Member
Originally Posted by kpatrick
I ran 14K hamilton 250W DE bulbs on an icecap electric ballast for a year and did not see a lot of coral growth. From what I have heard, the 12K reeflux are supposed to be pretty good. I like the blue look so I personally would get the 12k over the 10k.
I had the same problem, not great color, minimal growth etc...Then I started reading up on various types of bulbs, switched my sps frag tank over to phoenix 14k's and I almost fell over, amazing how critical a bulb is.