HQIT-5 Lighting


where can I get the best and most affordable 150 watt HQI lighting and T-5s?
How often do I replace T-5s? I know to replace the HQI every 10 months.


Thanks and they come with there own internal ballasts right?
How about the HQIs 150 watts, do most come with there own internal ballasts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dplantz
Thanks and they come with there own internal ballasts right?
How about the HQIs 150 watts, do most come with there own internal ballasts?
It depends on what kind of a setup it is. If it is a fixture then they normally come with internal ballasts or ballasts that are external (this is for T-5 and MH) but either way, it should come with ballasts unless it is otherwise noted. If it is a retrofit then it should say whether or not it comes with a ballast in the description.