Huffing puffer

My friend's Stars and stripes puffer has been doing a weird routine the last 3 day swhere he gets really lathargic, sits on the sandbed or a rock and pants very heavily. There is stilla lot of time when he swims around normal, but the lathargic episodes are becoming more frequent and longer in duration. His color hadn't changed at all until today. He almost looks like he's hyper ventilating. He's had the puffer for 9-10 months, it was moved to a new tank 2 months ago, but has been fine and the move was successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated, either posted or e-mailed to


Staff member
What are the tank water readings? Has the puffer been removed from water for any reason? Is he eating? How does his teeth look?
I don't know his readings, should be really good though, we just did a 15 gallon water change on the tank, it gets that every month or so, out of the water...not since the move, he sticks his head out of the water sometimes during feeding when we are walking towards the tank. As far as his teeth, not sure. We noticed a little bit of a sore on his back, about 1 cm long, white, about 1/4 cm wide.


Staff member
Is there any harrassment going on from other fish? You really need to spend some time observing for harrassment from other fish, without the fish knowing that you're observiing.
thanks for the replies, but he was dead when my buddy got home from work yesterday, we had guessed it needed antibiotics but had no way of knowing what to get. There was one other fish in the tank added a few weeks ago but they got along fine. The other fish was a picasso trigger a fraction the size of the puffer. Thank you for the information.