Huge Mistake -- Ich


Active Member
I made a few HUGE mistakes setting up a saltwater tank before finding this board and now my display tank has ICH.
I bought a coral beauty a few weeks ago which exposed my tank to ICH. The cb died, along with a yellow tang, and this morning my clown (my first fish). I noticed the ICH two weeks ago and without a QT I medicated the display tank first with Kent RX P and when I didn't see any improvement after a week switched to Chem-Marin Stop Parasites. I thought that was taking care of the ICH but apparently not. I only have a perc clown, yellow-tail damsel and scotter blennie remaining in the tank, along with inverts and crabs. What is my next step? If I remove the fish and place them in a QT, how long do they stay there? Do I treat them with copper in the QT? How do I make sure the ICH is out of my display tank?
Thanks. I appreciate all the help.


Active Member
The display needs to be empty for at least 6 weeks min
Beth did a great job of putting some "stickys" on QT and treatments in the "disease" forum.. I would check that out..


Staff member
Scooby, sorry to hear your troubles. Is your tank FOWLR or reef?
I am thinking that it may be better to move LR into a temporary holding container, such as a rubbermaid, rather than trying to QT all those fish.
Are you planning to do hyposalinity at this point? And, if so, what do you have to measure salinity?


Active Member
Beth, I've started reading through your "sticky" on QT and Hypo. I have about 20 lbs of live rock, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, chocolate chip starfish, bristle starfish, green hermit crab, porcelin crab and a bunch of hermits. I also have a haitan anemone that I think will not make it through the weekend. I have a hydrometer (?) that measures salt. I'm not sure what I plan on doing right now. My options are: (1) do QT with hypo; (2) do QT with copper treatment or (3) continue to treat the display tank with Chem-Marin Stop Parasite and hope it works. The only fish I have is a Perc. Clown, Scooter Blenny and Yellow-tail damsel. I think my scooter will starve in QT and probably can't catch the damsel (ever wonder why DAMN is part of that name!!!). I only have a 29 gallon eclipse system (1st mistake). I really thought it was getting better until the clown was dead this morning. I'm really confused and frustrated now, so I'm really not sure what to do. I was so mad this morning I was thinking of switching back to Freshwater. Have had a FW for 2 years, no problems...


Staff member
Well, the only viable treatments for ich are copper and hyposalinity. Hyposalinity is the safest treatment. The treatments are hit and miss with effectiveness at best.
Bit the bullet and setup a QT. You can do it for under $100 using a 20 gal long tank.