I came home fri and was going to check on my SFE, But when I looked in the tank I didnt see him. It is hard to miss a 2 ft long eel. Anyways I looked through the tank moving all the rocks and still no eel. I started getting worried big time cause he is my fave fish. I was thinking maybe the cat ate him or anything tryingto make something up. Well when the dogs came in the room they were acting funny around 1 of my other tanks about 10 ft away. I kept making them move and finally I saw him on the florr behind the tank stand. My heart dropped I knew he was dead. I walked over and his mouth was moving. He was ALIVE. Wel I got him in the tank as fast as I could. He sank to the bottom and was gasping for air. I knew that I was going to lose him but i wasnt about to give up. He just laid there all night breathing really hard . I had moved an air stone close by to help him breathe. Well when Sat morning rolled around he was still laying on the bottom and kinda breathing bad. I thought maybe he might make it since he lived through the night. Well my GF and i went out to do some errands and I bought him some live fish to see if he would eat. When we got back to my surprise he had gotten back in his home in the tank(a fake tree stump) and looked good. Well im glad to say he ate the fish and is doing great. I put his 2 new tankmates in with him yesterday, which are a red v. lion and a stars and stripes puffer. The LFS had been holding them for me for awhile so I picked them up. They are all about ot move to their new home a 125 when it is done cycling.