hum shrimp


right now i dont know wat shrimp to go with these are my choices
cleaner shrimp like them because they clean fish
Pistol shrimp think it is cool how they pair up with gobies
Sexy shrimp cause i think their sexy

so does anyone have a favorite shrimp


I have 2 cleaner, 2 fire, 2 sexy, and 1 anemone shrimp. The sexy shrimp hang out on the anemone shrimps back all day in a condi, so that trio would have to be my favorite although they are all personable and entertaining, so whichever ones you get I don't think you'll be disappointed.


hey a tiger fan lol go tigers my cousin go's there yeh who knows i think ill pass on the pistol shrimp and go with 2 cleaners and 1 sexy but who knows im sure my fish list will prolly change when i start up the tank


Originally Posted by frogman5
right now i dont know wat shrimp to go with these are my choices
cleaner shrimp like them because they clean fish
Pistol shrimp think it is cool how they pair up with gobies
Sexy shrimp cause i think their sexy

so does anyone have a favorite shrimp
Well, even though you get a cleaner shrimp, it doesn't mean that it will clean your fish. It's a hit-or-miss thing and most of the time when a cleaner shrimp cleans a fish alot, it's a good chance it's b/c the fish has a problem!
I have a cleaner and a fire shrimp and I cannot decide which I like the most! Both are lively looking and get along great with the rest of their tank mates. (mines in a 12 gallon). Also they are great at picking up all the fallen food thaat my fish pass up!
With the sexy- I'd be cautious b/c depending on it's tank mates it may become dinner b/c it's sooo small.
Pistols- I think they are so eye catching. They are always very colorful and have great patterns, the only draw-back is that the burrow and sturr up the sand. (that's why I didn't get one) Also, they tend to hide so if you want to see it constantly, I'd reconsider this choice!


Active Member
i have 3 peppermint, and a Coral banded shrimp. they all get along and are always visible. most shrimps are compatible with other shrimps from what ive noticed


when i do set the tank up and after its done cycling ill think about it more there is so many cool shirmp out there so who knows.
thank though for all ur input