Huma Huma is being MEAN!!!


Well - so much for getting video of my Huma Huma's (Picasso) unique behavior - he's going back to the LFS tomorrow. :( He is just beating up my Juv. Clown Trigger to much and I'm not willing to risk it. Some of the clown's fins are stressed and a little of his body below his dorsal fin is fading. Lionfish - If you want 'em, I'll ship him.
If anyone thinks this is normal and can talk me into keeping him I'd love to hear it because Id hate to see him go but..
see this is what i hate when people say that they are docile, and then someone goes out and buys one and they arn't. i dont believe this would be happening if you had somthing a little bigger then the 30, i hate to say it tho man. it is normal for this situation.


Whoa - hang on...I knew the demeanor of the Huma Huma going in - The problem is a mismatch in size differential between the fish. I underestimated how small my Clown was when I was at the LFS and knew I wanted to get something slightly bigger but not as big as I ended up with.
This pic shows it best.

The question is - Is the stress the clown is experiencing right now sustainable or do I need to indeed go back and change out for a small, better matched trigger?


Maybe you should consider bringing it back and letting your clown heal, first. And then, when you get a larger tank, add another trigger.
Just a thought!


Robby--maybe you should have named him first...just kidding. I have a good sized huma huma (hsi name is Picasso..of course) who is very docile. I know you all think I'm crazy, but he has never laid a on any of my other fish. He does like to eat though!
Just had to mess with ya a bit Robby! :D


Have you taken him back yet? IMHO you should probably not introduce anything else into that tank.