Huma Huma jaw


New Member
My Huma Huma Trigger's right jaw looks like almost like a human with an absest tooth, been that way for sbout 2 weeks. Tried treatment with API MELAFIX & PIMAFIX with no result, still eating feeders fine but looks terrible, any help out there???


Active Member
Describe exactly what you're seeing? Swelling, redness, etc? Can you post a picture of the fish?
Water parameters?
Describe your set-up; tank size, other fish, live rock?
If you're feeding fresh water feeders, you're slowly killing the trigger. Change up the diet to chopped pieces of shrimp, scallop, squidd, silversides, plankton, and other crustacean flesh. Feeders will build up fat deposits on the fishes vital organs and cause numerous health problems/premature death.


New Member
What I am seeing is the right jaw from jawbone to mouth is swollen out about about 1/4 of an inch w/ no redness, my water is fine, have other smaller fish that are fine, live rock and corals are fine, but have been feeding guppies and other frozen foods, have had it about one month and started showing this about 2 weeks ago and has just gotten worse. Started out showing only about 1/4 inch long and seems to have spread the entire length of jaw


Active Member
Tough to say. A pic would likely help. If there is no external redness, it could be a dislocation of the jaw. Predatory fish sometimes experience this if striking at prey and hitting against the glass or rock. There may be something going on inside the triggers mouth (inflammation, etc..) If the fish is eating, that's a good sign. Do you have a quarantine tank to use?
What other fish are in the tank? You don't by chance have a lion or urchins do you?