huma trig and inverts


i have a small 2" huma trigger and was wondering if anyone knew of any good inverts to put in the tank. I have heard they are the least aggresive of the trigger family. He seems to leave my snails alone---i asume it is because they are so slow moving. I am looking for something to help w/ detritis. Any suggestions?
I am wondering if i keep picasso happy w/ plenty of yummy's he will dismiss the inverts. True?
Thank u for ur help. Also currently i have a 90 gallon fish only tank that i will be adding live rock to soon. Will this help or hurt?
Thanks again for any help.


I've had a 4" huma huma in my 90gal reef tank for about 8 months. I've found that if I feed flakes, frozen shrimp and seaweed once every day it's happy and doesn't pick on my red and blue legged crabs. However, when it gets hungry it will go after the crabs and it has attacked my coral banded shrimp, too. Now the CBS only has one pincher. I saw the Huma Huma swimming around in the tank with the other pincher in his mouth. The peppermint shrimps and cleaner shrimps have all been okay.
On a very disconcerting note, today I added 3 very small pajama cardinals and the Huma Huma has been chasing them around and pecking at them all morning...ate one already.
You may find that adding a Huma Huma is an expensive endeavor, because it may start eating all your other live stock. But, on the plus side, they are very energetic fish and fun to watch. When he sees me walking by the tank he greets me and follows me from side to side....pretty cool fish! Just feed it a few times a day and don't add any small fish to your tank and you'll probably be fine (depending on its individual termperment).
If mine continues its aggressive behavior and starts going after my other fish, (since his 1st tast of blood during the pajama cardinal killing spree) I'm afraid he will have to go back to the fish store, though.
Good luck to you.


i have had my humu humu for about 2 yrs now and no inverts are safe around them I don't care how much you feed they move all the time and are constantly picking at rocks or inverts if you want your tank to stay clean get a fuge a uv and run some type of filtered water in the long run it will be less of a headache trying to get new inverts


Active Member

Originally posted by moto757
i have had my humu humu for about 2 yrs now and no inverts are safe around them I don't care how much you feed they move all the time and are constantly picking at rocks or inverts if you want your tank to stay clean get a fuge a uv and run some type of filtered water in the long run it will be less of a headache trying to get new inverts

I agree. I would not bother trying to keep inverts with triggers. They are nippy fish and will pick at the live rock all day for possible food. And if you try to feed it twice a day to keep it full, you are going to run into water quality problems.
As stated, I would just run a great skimmer and filtration system with a fuge plumbed into the set-up as well.


You should definitley get live rock. It helps with biofiltration and looks beautiful... The huma huma won't hurt it.


Definitely get some live rocks triggers need hiding spots and for resting as well they love caves.


Active Member
No, I wasn't saying not to get the live rock. Live rock is a must in all saltwater aquariums, in my opinion.