huma trigger



how many years or months can a huma live in a 30g before i have to upgrade to a bigger tank.

small triggers

Active Member
is it the only thing in the 30g? or are there others? I have 9 fish in a 35g for a little over a year they were all a little bit bigger than an inch when i got them. I am moving them to my new 150g on Tues or next weekend (depending on when i finish my stand)


Active Member
By himself, probly a year and maybe more if hes purchased small enough. I'm not sure a Humu will ever be happy in a 30, but they can survive in one if alone.


Not sure how well that would work. My humu is extremely active, almost like a tang, loves to swim back and forth really fast. Swims the entire length of my 6' tank. Putting an active fish like that in a 30g can't be too good for it. Personally I wouldn't put it in a tank like that for more than a month.
Will it survive for a year? Probably, yes. They're very hardy fish. Will it be miserable? Yep.

small triggers

Active Member
a 1 inch long fish in a 30g by itself for a year or longer, i would not see a problem with it. As far as happiness goes, it depends on the personality of the fish. You could put a goby by itself in a 30 and it never be happy. All my fish are very happy, and other than my foxface now hiding more because he has grown so fast, a year is not unreasonable. You just really have to be honest and make sure that you can and will upgrade when you need to.