humas eyes


New Member
my huma trigger eyes seem to be like popping out or getting bigger I can tell he cant see as good is this popeye and and how to cure.


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? What are your water conditions readngs.
You may need to proceed to antibiotic treatment at this point. Do you have a QT?


New Member
Ive had the huma and a clown trigger in a 60 gal for a year half with plenty of live rock I do 10 gal water change weekly keep salt at .024 run a skimmer Ive never added any chem ever,nor do I have a Qt.


New Member
In the 4 years Ive had my tanks Ive never added chemicals to any of them.just a week ago I restarted my protien skimmer, I seen in a book today that could be a reason for his eyes I shut it off. my local lfs doesnt have great test kits I will get one the best one I can And do tests. At night time his eyes the swelling goes down but in the morning they swell back up.


Staff member
Post up all of your water readings as soon as you can. Including nitrate, pH as well as ammonia and nitrite.
When is the last time you did a water change? Will be QTing the fish and treating with antibiotics if necessary? How's he doing at this point?


New Member
protien skimmer off less than 24 hrs eyes almost back to normal he can see better he is not missing his food will let you know about tests asap.