humma can see now


New Member
Beth Ive since got test kits,ph was well bellow 7.8 nitrites and nitrates were high amn was ok I bought some marine buffer and cycle they are where they should be .I treated huma with anti bio he is much better,thank you my fish thank you,but I need to add vitiams for color I would surely app your advice on what to get


Feed your humu a variety of frozen foods and you can soak the food in garlic to help prevent parasitic infection and soak food in zoe for vitamins.


Staff member
Vitimins are good supplements, but that is all they are....supplements. Food is the real source of nutrition that you need to concentrate on. A variety of quality froozen foods, freezed dried and some high quality flake foods would be good. You may want to even try making your own fish food. See some of my fresh food suggestions in the FAQ Thread.
Fresh minced garlic is a good supplement as are zoecon and selcon. Terry highly recommends beta gutan as well.
Glad to hear that your fish and tank are doing better!