

New Member
That all depends on how much of the high protein diet you allow him(Scarlett Red missing Leg Crabs?haha [edited for content] happens). Ideal for triggers is krill, brine, mysis shrimp, anything fatty. Flake he'll eat, but flake alone won't keep him alive. I like to go mainly flake yet high protein 3-4 times a week. You'll know very easily if he's getting really hungry, he'll get so pissy, watch em' close!


Active Member
In English...
It depends on a few things. One is tank size. No a fish won't grow to the size of the tank, but a fish has a better chance of living it's life out, and reaching it's maximum size in a big tank. Diet is another key factor. A varied diet encriched with vitamins and other supplements will bring out your fishes color, as well as boost immunities and overall make the fish stronger. Triggers don't grow nearly as fast as a lot of other predatory fish (groupers and snappers mainly), so it will take a while for a 3" humu to reach 8". It may grow an inch a year, maybe a little less. HTH. Bo