humu doesn't eat and just hide


New Member
I have a humu trigger fish in my 45 gallons fish only tank. He used to eat alot every day but he recently only eat very little and starting from yesterday he completely stopped eating and just stayed at his spot all day. I feed him brine shrimp daily. I tried the scallop, clam, and krill before, but he didn't really like any of those. He spitted them out after he ate them.
My question is: Is it normal for trigger to stay at one spot and not coming out for 2 days and even longer? If the answer is no, what can I do to help him?
Notice: He seems okey to me, no sign for disease.


1st queston how long have you had your trigger? and maybe you should start feeding him every other day. Also check your water condition. try feeding him now and see what he does. When i had the same exsperience 7 months ago i discovered that it was something internal parasite,fungus or some sort of other desease that i couldn't see so i just used some penacilin to clear it up. give it a try it worked for for me. Oh by the way you should keep a log of what is going on with your tank and if you run into this problem again you will be able to look back on it. Well good luck and keep us updated.


New Member
First of all, thank you for your response. It seems like he has some kind of internal parisite. What kind of medical I should use besides the one you mentioned. I have coppersafe, melafix, maracyn I & II, and penicillin for anti-fungal/bacterial. Do I have the correct one for my trigger.
I checked the water and everything is fine. I have the trigger for about 5 months. I now put him in the hospital tank.


What makes you think its an internal parisite??
You have alot of different meds there, and you should really try to pin point what is going on before you med doesnt always make another disease go away, if its meant for something else..
How is he acting in QT...
Look real close to see if you can see spots, lines, fungus, any body erosion or bumps, or stringy things attached to it..also look closely aroound the anus for anything worm you can be a little more sure on what to use to treat him..
I hope he gets better..


New Member
I have moved my trigger to a QT for medication this morning and treated it with Maracyn II. He seems not doing well, he has heavy breathing, his body color starts to pale and fins also start rotting.
I need more advises on how to deal with this problem.


personally, my parents are both pharmacists, so if you have a way to get your hands on some mynicyclyn or arithromycine you won't be spending an arm and a leg and it works 100 times better than any of the medicines you'll pay 17 bucks a pop for in ur lfs :D