humu humu question


New Member
Hi! I just joined this site about a week ago and I find it very informative. However, I do have a question that I would really appreciate some input. Approximately 2 weeks ago, I "rescued" a juvenile huma huma that's about 1-1/2 and 2 inches long from the *****. He looked fine and still looks fine. He has a great appetite, loves mysis shrimp, squid and krill. He's the only fish in my 55 gallon salt water tank which I've had established for about 7 months now. (I decided I wanted to have a trigger and he is my favorite trigger so I took the other fish I had back to my LFS so I could get a huma huma. I planned on getting a huma huma from the LFS I usually go to but happened to be in ***** and saw they had one and couldn't, in good conscious, leave him there). I know this long winded, I apologize. After having him for a few days, he started scraping against rocks and the sand. He doesn't do it all the time. He doesn't even do it every day. He has not spots on him to indicate ich, as I said his appetite is great. He's aware of his environment and knows when I'm going to feed to him. My water quality is fine. I'm baffled, any suggestions???? Thanks for listening.


Active Member
Could have a parasite or could just have an itch... If you see any little white dots on him its a parasite I would just hold out and see what happens for a while. If it gets worse you can treat him with controlled amounts of copper or do a freshwater dip to treat it
good luck


New Member
Thanx for responding!!! I really appreciate it. I was thinking along those lines too and just wanted feedback. I'm still fairly new to this!! :joy: