Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!


I had a trigger too. It got along with every fish i had except a cowfish. but it really tore up my snail and crabs. Im sad to say I had to remove him from my up start reef tank. he was doing more harm than good. I do miss him , was like a little puppy dog.
fish he lived with yellow tang, blue damels, striped damels ,jewl damel, lawn mower blenny, cardnal fish, a porcupine puffer and skunk shrimps.


My huma huma is a blast. He pals around with my clown. He spits water out of the tank when i feed him. He is always looking for attention. He never messes with my hermits.......he left my Scooter Blenny alone but when it came to shrimp........forget it........he had them in his mouth before they knew what hit em.............he always seem to look at me with the shrimp in his mouth as if to say..........hey dude look what i caught!!
well thanks guys its good to hear a little more about your humu humus. I enjoy him myself. He loves the tank and his fish. he actually plays with the damsels and when he knows its feeding time he goes to the top and splashes water with his top fin. They really are not bad like people make them sound. I am gonna put a peice of coral in the tank to see if I might be able to get him to become reef safe being that he is still a baby but we will see. Thanks guys,


As a matter of fact they are not bad at all. In my view there is not such thing as a bad animal.... A
nyone who has had experience with hummu trigers knows that they are unique characters. However, they do get more aggressive as time goes by, and they will bother if not kill other small fish.
But is never the animal's fault. It is just in its nature. Is a grouper or a lion "bad fish" if they eat your damsels?
What size tank is he in? What other fish are planning on getting?
he is currently in a 75 gallon. he will be in there for awhile. He is a pretty good fish. he eats marine algae, flakes, and everything that I really give him. he is really not aggressive at all and we will see how he progresses in time. Thanks,
as a baby I think he would be fine in a twenty gallon but he couldnt stay in a twenty gallon. and if you did that he would have to have nothing in the tank as far as live rock and stuff.


New Member
The Huma is the coolest fish I have ever owned. Like an underwater puppy. Full of energy and personality, beautiful, very hardy and a great eater. Mine is about 4" and in a 29, which is a little smallish. When I approach the tank, he swims figure 8's on the front glass. He loves pieces of frozen fish pattys like Mortons and others and takes these right out of my hand. They are pretty messy eaters and I'd like to add some kind of fish that would clean up the scraps, but have no idea what to try. They repeatedly bite their food and spit it back out to get rid of shells, I have heard.
Interesting story is that the Humas were elected as the state fish of Hawaii for a 4 year term.


Humu's/Picasso's should be in a tank of at least 60 gallons, if not more. They are very active fish, and need a lot of swimming room, even when small.
They are great fish with an unbelievable personality. I am completely enamored by mine. Mine never messed with my shrimp if I put them in after lights out, or if they were in the tank before him. Otherwise, forget it. He leaves the crabs alone, but the snails are fair game. Need to replenish those every so often.
I've tested him out with some corals (leathers), and he nipped at one toadstool, and then left it alone. My Koran on the other hand almost killed a colt coral that was in there.
One other concern with having a trigger in such a small tank is water quality - since they really should be in a FO tank, you will need a good strong skimmer and do frequent water changes to keep the nitrates down. If you are going to keep him in a small tank for temporary purposes, make sure you test your water params frequently.


One last thing - make sure if you feed them "people" food, that it is uncooked/raw fish. I'd also try to be cognizant of what additives are in the food. The only things that I feed mine that are not from the LFS are raw cocktail shrimp, and raw scallops & oysters.


i am hearing more good than bad about humas and i have wanted one before i even got my tank. question is how do you pick a good one? eg what do you look for in the trigger? what are good signs that show he isnt going to wipe out every single moving thing in your tank?


my triggers and my late lionfish{i think he pissed of the undulated one day} will eat cooked peeled shrimp from the grocery store. they love it and it cleans up easy ... no shells


i'd like to get a huma and a radiata lionfish and possibly a dogface. (and a pair of clowns and a blue tang) whats everyones thoughts on this?

bad venom

New Member
My wife got me a Blue Throat trigger for our annverisery. She know's I wanted a Trigger Fish but didn't know I wanted a Humu Humu. Will a Humu get along a Blue Throat