humu trigger needs help


New Member
I had posted this at aggressive fish page before, but I think I might able to get more responses from here.
I have a 45 FO tank for almost 2 years with a damel, pucula clown, and a humu trigger. Starting in about two weeks ago, the trigger started to cut down on eating and seemed quite weak as it easily being blew off by the power head. He wasn't like that before. About 4-5 days ago, he started to not coming out at all and just stayed at his spot. He seemed okey in the first 2 days, but starting in 2 days ago, he started to have heavy breathing and getting more weaker. He has no exterior sore or any kind of marks on the body. I have just moved him to a QT and treated with maracyn II.
Any advise about what is wrong with him.


New Member
Thank you for your response. First of all, my trigger passed away yesterday. Before he was transfered to the hospital tank, I had made 20% water change, but it did help. And before he died, yes he lost some weight and I fed him brine shrimp. I used to feed him squid and clam before but he started to stop eating that about 2 weeks ago.