Hungry Starfish??


Every day I place a new piece or romaine lettuce in my tank. My fish love it! However, a few months ago I added a Choc Chip Starfish to my tank. Over the past few weeks he has begun to latch on to the lettuce and begin to eat it. Now, every day he goes after the lettuce! Is this normal? I think my fish are still eating it, so if it's ok...I'll let it alone. However, if it's bad for the Starfish, I need some ideas on how to keep it away from him!
Thanks in advance!


i had a cc starfish once it did well for a few months and then didn't... I can't get my fish to eat any greanery but anyways when i had problems with my cc starfish someone told me to spot feed him place a small amount of food directly in his reach and he will tear it up.. my cc starfish love the frozen brine shrimp take and small chunk and set it close to him or even touching him and he will get it and then when he is full might leave the salad alone..


Active Member
CC stars are carnivors. They will eat a small piece of shrimp once a week or so.. Hopefully you only have a FOWLR, they are not reef safe. Very fun to watch though.