Hurricane Frances.


Active Member
I also heard that there may not be enough shelters due to them being damaged in Charley. So when they say go, get the heck out of there!!
I don't know how those Bahama islands will withstand this.


Active Member
it's incredible how maleable the florida citizens are, they form to repair and then when one hurricane is gone
another came, good luck to you all.


Our familys prayers go out to everyone who may be effected by Frances! Seems its an aweful lot to have to deal with down there...all at once like this. florida is such a beautiful place.
Good luck all
~Thinking of FL


I heard it hits east side this time, Ouch, So much for West Palm Beach, I have family down there, Best of luck becsue Charley already softened the state for Francis


Active Member
Dang!!! Have you seen how big it is? It extends from southern Cuba north to almost Virginia!! As Adam Sandler would say, "That's a huge



Active Member
I'm in Jacksonville so we are in much better shape so far, but still not out of the woods. Roads here are packed with people heading North. All hotels are booked in most parts of Florida and Georgia. I'm hoping we don't get hit here, but we are still in for some bad weather even if it hits down south. This one is going to be really bad.


Active Member
Good luck to you all. It looks likes it's going to fierce. I wish you all the best; you are in our prayers.


at least it has mellowed some now...a cat 3 currently and slowing...good will damage alot of reefs.......:eek:


Active Member
slowing, is not good at all. It will increase the chances of flooding from the massive amounts of rain that is produced.
The stallling is bad news for the inland folks and really bad for the coastal folks because they will be contending with the storm surges.


I know most of you floridians must know this already. . .Charlie left all that debris that's gonna be (projectiles) when Francis hits! Pick up what you can now, the smallest pieces will become potental weapons of destruction!
Good luck!


Active Member
local news says it looks like its picking up strength again. may take a turn wich is bad for us. good luck everyone!


Active Member
Looking OK for us, but we are going to get a ton of rain and some pretty good wind. It is now a strong category 2 but who knows what is going to happen.
My friend in Orlando told me that people were panicing there and and grabbing plywood off of trucks delivering plywood to Home Depot when they are stopped in traffic. The Florida Highway Patrol are now escorting the trucks.
I-95 was pretty much deserted today when I came home from work. It was backed up as far as I could see yesterday.


Staff member
I'm from the Keys and thank goodness this storm did not go to the KEYS. It was hair-raising for several days. Tuesday I flew to Tallahassee, FL in North FL for business and here I still am with no flights anywhere in FLA. In other words, I can not get home.
The storm is stalled off the east coat of FLA around the Space Center and should start to come thru tonite in Palm Bch Co. Hopefully, it will rush by and finally get the heck out of here and out of everyone's lives. Millions of Floridians have had to abandon their homes and evacuate the State. Imagine that.
I can't complain at this point; I'm in a comfortable hotel just cooling my heals.
Wish us all inclduing luck!


Staff member
Charlie came thru the WEST to EAST [Gulf to Atlantic] and this one is going to go EAST to WEST [Atlantic to Gulf]. Makes you wonder if it it is worth living here? :confused: