Hurry, help!

fishin family

New Member
Ok, we're feeling pretty dumb here. Got a new lion fish, and don't know how to feed him. Here's the situation.. we have some live ghost shrimp for him, but we can't just throw them in the tank, because our pig panther grouper will eat them before they hit the water. We also have some silversides, which the LFS recommended we try that, as it tends to be cheaper. But how?? We don't have a feeder stick, LFS didn't carry them. And we really don't want to just poke our hand in the tank, and say, "Hello there Mr. poisonous lion fish, how would you like to sting me?" We're hand feeding our snowflake, but waiting until the lion is on the other side of the tank. Anyone have any ideas? Just got him today, and want to make sure he at least has a chance to eat if he's hungry.


LionFish says.......
Really, there is no reason to fear lionfish. I have had over 10 of the little guys in the past and I have taken care of of over a hundred at my LFS. You see, they rarely will sting a person and when they end up stinging someone it is usually the person's own fault. They aren't going to shoot at your hand. They usually stand their ground but don't advance on you. They mostly stay still will their fins pointed forward at the attacker. It is a common problem with more aggressive feeders in a tank with lions. My method to get food to my Volitan is simple. Put some food in on one side of the tank and wait until all the fish have moved over there and then quickly feed the lion a silverside. Usually the Tusk and Trigger are so busy eating the food that the lion is easily fed. Other than that you will have to get a feeder stick.
[ August 18, 2001: Message edited by: LionFish ]


I would not try to feed him just yet, they take a couple days to settle in. You will need a feeding stick with the grouper, you will have to feed him on one side of the tank, and use the feeding stick on the other, I have to do that when I feed my snowflake, I have some real pigs in my tank. When you use the feeding stick, just stick it in front of his face, if he does not take it try the next day he will eat when he is ready. Good Luck

fishin family

New Member
They were feeding the lion live ghost shrimp, but recommended we tried to get him to eat silversides. We ended up dangling one in front of him, and he didn't seem at all interested. *shrug* After awhile, we just figured we'd throw in the ghost shrimp. The grouper had fun chasing some around, and had a little treat. The lion, though.. he would just mosey on over to where the little guys were sitting.. he'd trap them in with his long fins, and just suck them up. He ended up eating three of them that we saw. But we'll keep trying to feed him silversides, we don't want to have to go to the LFS every day to get him ghost shrimp. LOL Thanks for the fast replies, all!


Well how long that the lion been in your tank? It's best to wait 24-36 hours (I think) after you've added any fish to your tank to feed him. It's stressful on fish to be just put into a new evironment and with new 'neighbors'. Just give him time. And I'm pretty sure that lions can go a good amount of time with out having to eat.