Husband bought me a mandarin-yikes


Husband surprised me yesterday with a piece of coral and mandarin goby. He is somewhat familiar with some species of fish from prev. fish I have had in the tank and knew they required live food. He bought me a bag of live brine shrimp (this is what the pet store gave him). My tank is a 75 gallon established over 3 years with about 125+ lb s of live rock. I know I have pods in my system because I see them on the rocks and see them on the sides of the glass. My tank is (was) fishless due to the icestorm we recently had. I do not have a fuge. I posted on another board about starting a fuge but after doing some thinking, heres a thought. I have a 19 gallon tank with live sand and 30lbs of live rock established over 2 years that I was going to take down and combine into my larger tank. I toyed with the idea of hooking that up to my tank as sort of a fuge. Should I just use that tank as a pod and macroalgae tank, keeping it separate? Would I just take algae out and put it into the larger tank to put pods into my larger system?? Thanks. Store mandarin was purchased from is 2 hours away and only pet store in our are is a *****, so taking fish back right now would not be an option.


I think you will be fine! Until you can hook up that extra tank (hopefully someone else can tell you how to plumb it into your system instead of leaving ot seperate), the mandarin will eat what pods you do have in your tank