Hydor Flo Rotating Water Deflector


Active Member
I have used them and there better than nothing. But they are nowhere as good as a wave maker or wave box. But for the cash there good.
Also your not supposed to post links here. They do not like that.


I have a Hydor. I like it, and would buy another one, but I also agree that a wave maker is probably a better deal.

scopus tang

Active Member
I have them and like them. Personally when I can afford to make the change I upgrade to the hydor powerheads - better bang for the buck in my opinion. But if your already equiped with other powerheads and don't want to replace them the water deflector is a good choice.


Active Member
I like mine too but they like a vinegar bath once a month or I find it tends to stick and not rotate. Also note that it decreases your flow about 25%, so depending on your set up you may want to get a stronger power head.

scopus tang

Active Member
I've also had snails crawl into them to eat algae and stop them from turning - so check before you give them a vinegar bath. Vinegars not good for snails


Active Member
the actual hydor koralia pump isn't really that much more, IMO... I would go for the actual power head, instead of just adding another $10 to your existing power head. I love the koralia's. I have a #3 and a #4 on my 55 gal. And I've just ordered 4x #4's for my 180 that I'm setting up. Here's the prices for them: nano: $26, #1: $29, #2: $34, #3: $38, #4: $45 (ranging from 240gph to 1200gph).


I have a 2 modded maxi-jets & 2 Koralia 4's hooked up to a Red Sea wavemaker.
I have a maxi-jet 1200 with the Hydor Flo running all the time.
Works well for me. For the $ good upgrade IMO.
You need to remove that link as the mods do not like that.


Originally Posted by FISHERMON
I have a 2 modded maxi-jets & 2 Koralia 4's hooked up to a Red Sea wavemaker.
I have a maxi-jet 1200 with the Hydor Flo running all the time.
Works well for me. For the $ good upgrade IMO.
You need to remove that link as the mods do not like that.
You have the koralia's hooked up to a wavemaker? I was considering this, but with the racket they make on start up I am concerned about a wavemaker setup. Does the red sea wavemaker do an off/on cycle or is it like the Seio in which it slows down and speeds up? I may be interested in this as a future purchase if its as simple as plugging them in and setting the wavemaker.


It's on/off. The Koralias make a little noise on start-up, but it doesn't bother me. For the price (I paid around $125) & results I can live the the noise.


Active Member
yeah, I wouldn't like that startup noise too much, and a bit of a jump for the fish. But I've heard of many people using the koralias on wave makers... about the Seio wavemaker - so it slows down and speeds up? Sounds cool. Is this hard on the pumps at all?


Yep, teh Seio wavemaker speeds up and slows down. I've read that its the only way to make teh Seio's work effectively with a wavemaker. 2 problems I had with it was 1) price- its more expensive than similar units out there at around $200. 2) it advertises multiple pump use, yet all it does is allow you to hook multiple pumps up to operate the same simultaniousy, in other words, its doesn't alternate which pump is at half power and which pump is at full power. They are BOTH eitehr on half power or full power at the same time. I've never used one so I don't know how they affect pumps (Seio or otehr brands).


Not saying its a bad product, just wasn't what I was looking for in a wavemaker myself. Being as I've never had one I could just be overly picky on the features as well.