Hydor Koralia #1 in 20G...ok?


Okay i think i know why i had huge nitrates spike recently. i found out that theres a "few" dead spots in the tank...do yo think this can contributed to the problem!?
i can't get Hydor Nano so the best i can purchase is #1 which is 400GPH.....my HOB is already running around 250GPH but i think i need to add a suitable pump. what do you think?!


Active Member
yes, I just bought a #1 and #2 last week. they are nice little pumps, but imo, they don't blow nearly as hard as they're rated to. I personally don't think the #1 come anywhere close to blowing 400 gph


I think the #1 should do fine in your tank...I have a #2 on mine (same size as yours, 20g H) and it does the trick.


Active Member
The Koralias are designed to 'feel' like they're pushing much less water around then they actually are.


Active Member
I have a 1 and a 2 in a 29 and it seems like a good amount of flow. If you're going with just one powerhead I would go with a 2.


i just ordered a #1 for my 20g, i have a 200gph HOB filter and my skimmer is about 85gph, i might keep the power head in there now(up200gph) when i add the hydor koralia but i see how much current there is.


yeah i have 2 #1's in my 29g and would add an other on if i didnt need all my money for my new 125g