Hydor Koralia 2 Question!


So I felt that I needed some more flow in my tank so I purchased a Hydor 2 today. Everything was fine, except for there was no intructions in the box
. So after setting it up and turning it on it seems like the flow isnt to strong and im almost positive it isnt 600gh(like the box says). Is there any way to adjust the flow rate?
The Koralia"s fan out the water flow over a much larger area than a power head, using a gentle flow. It is pumping out the gallons, you just are not used to that type of flow.


i just purchased one today for my 30gal at the LFS limited knowledge here but my fish seem to like it and the flow is more ditrbuted than most other power heads ive seen


Yea it just seemed a little on the low side to me. Mine is in a 55gal and the flow is barely making it past half the tank.


New Member
Thats funny. I too have a 55g and added a Koralia 2 today. I originally had the plans of adding another #2 in a few weeks from now, but I think I might now add a #3 instead. I figured two twos would do the trick, but i think that Im going to go with a #2 and #3 in my tank. I too noticed that it spreads out the pattern instead of one concentrated output. Love the quietness of the pump though!!
my 2 cents

naclh2o nut

depending on what you want to keep in tank. Flow has recommended to me at 30x turnover for soft corals and 60x -70x for hard corals.

With one k2 @600gph then you are short recommened flow. I have 2- k4s and a k1 in a 90 gal. Looking at2 more k4s or a k5.
If you put a ribbon on a stick and place it in different parts of tank it will show the flow direction and amount. You will notice the flow from the Ks are in a large tornado path. It will not only fan out the farther away from from the front but it will also fill in the middle.