hydroplex ( dip medication)


Last night while acclimating a beautiful new
powder blue tang I used this product and it was like
a lethal injection...After 1.5 hours of aclimating,
the fish looked extremely well. I followed instructions and added one once/per quart of water to the floating bag(actually had about 1.5 quarts of water)..the moment I added the product
the fish went into shock and died..hoping he was
still in shock I released him to the tank hoping
he might revive. He did not.
Any one out there using this product?


Active Member
no, but ican tell you THE VERY BEST THING YOU CAN DO is to slowly acclimate any fish ot a QUARENTINE tank then after about 4 weeks, if they show no signs of disease or parasites move them to your main tank
if they show signs of disease then treat it with the appropriate medication, if they show signs of ick treat with hyposalinity(some use hypo anyway in the q' tank)
and if you use a med as a dip, you should introduce the fish to the water mixed with the med, not the med to the water with the fish, they could get an O.D. of medication before it mixes properly in the water


This was released to my Q-tank..the product is
made specifically for use during
I have it from many opinions, that
all fish,especially those, moved
thru the industry, are carrying
most diseases anyway and hoped
a little preventive medication would
be possitve.