
How hyper is it???? some fish come from salinaty of 35ppm were most keep it at 23ppm, how high and how come, some inverts will not tollerate this, even small fluctuations, ..cya


Well - way above 1.030 sg...Off the charts on my hydrometer. I have a clown trigger, huma huma, snowflake moray eel and 4 stripe damsel. It all better now but I'm wondering what kinds of stress this might have caused the fish.
Well those are all hardy fish , glad to hear its ok . snails do not like this tho, but with the trigger you probly dont have many snails.. cya
Also a note on hyper salinaty , this works great if you have an unwanted critter in a rock and you need to remove it, take out the rock and put it in hyper salinaty water and the critter will come scurring out, then you can place the rock back in the tank....cya :D


Try doing a quick water change next time you notice it rising. For some reason when I change water my salinity drops severely (guess I'm watching too much tv and not paying attention to how much h20 I'm sucking out!). I know it's supposed to drop some, but I've been down to 1.10 before--yikes!! It went back up of course, but do try and do water changes if you notice it rising.
hi goldfish, I never see a salinaty change when I do changes, I always have enough water at gravity of 23 to do the changes, so I take out 15 gallons of 23 I put back 15 gallons of 23, no fluxuation, this can iratate some occupants with large swings like that, cya


That major of a drop only happened one time to be honest. I ususally do still have to add salt to the sump after all my changes. Most of the time it drops to 1.19-then I just add a bit of salt. That .10 was just one time thank goodness!
What size tank do you have? I just have a 75