Hypo and LR?? HELP!!


I feel like smashing my head into a wall
. I do not have a qt set up and always try to buy from good dealers, but obviously this is impossible!
So now my problem. My kole tang has brought ick into my tank and now he and my Yellow are in the beginning stages of it! I want to drop my SG and go Hypo, but want to know how low my SG levels can be and still not harm my LR.
I have no live corals or inverts other than Blue and Red hermit Crabs and snails!


You cannot treat the ich and keep the life on the rock from dieing at the same time. Pull the rock out into a rubber maid bin with a heater and a power head. The few crabs can go in with the rock as well.


I am going to set up a 45gal QT tonight. I am going to treat the fish in my main tank. Should I wait a day before adding the LR to the QT tank? What substrate should I use in the QT? I just do not want to waste a lot of time because I really do not want to lose my tangs!
I dropped my SG a little bit this morning to 2.014. Is this ok to start the Hypo process? Or did I over react? FYI I kept my SG at 2.019-2.020 on an everyday basis. So it was not a crazy drop!
I really appreciate all the help


I always just keep my QT bare bottom so when i use medicine it doesn't just get absorbed into the sand. But like a sheet of paper under it though or put it on something that isn't going to have light just reflect off of the glass and hurt the fish's eyes.


You don't need a substrate. I would get that rock out of there pretty quickly. The life on it is already dieing at 1.014.


Well my live rock is out of my tank and doing well in a newly set up QT tank. My SG in my display tank has been at1.014 for two days and to my suprise my Kole & Yellow Tangs ick seems to be getting a little better. I am going to drop my SG to 1.009 this weekend. The HYPO seems be working.

Last question. Should I treat the tank with anything else or just Hypo??
Thanks for all the help


Just treat with hypo. You are seeing the natural life cycle of the ich. Get the SG down to 1.009 so that the parasites cannot reproduce. You do not need to take the entire weekend to do that. You could have it there by tomorrow afternoon.