hypo and qt


Well-Known Member
Iam bored at work lol so I started thinking. Is it a good idea to hypo new fish in ur qt rt away? Then after the 4-6 wks raise the salinity and add to dt. Just curious lol seems like if u can kill any unknow critters why wait

mr llimpid

Doesn't hurt, It adds a week or so to your QT time. But if you are a couple weeks in on QT and notice ick you are add 4 weeks to the time already in. I usually wait a week to start hypo any ways, want fish to get eating right and adjust to the move. I have also added deworming my fish, by adding Proz Pro after I'm done with hypo, not during.


Staff member
If you are going to hypo in case new fish have ich, then you need to do the all out procedure, which is 3 weeks in hypo, and then about 4-5 days bringing the QT back to normal salinity. If you do less, then you would not have addressed ich adequately, and the ich that the fish may have, may develop a resistance to the hypo conditions or maybe the ich never reached the free-swimming stage and therefore never was adequately treated.


Well-Known Member
Are there fish that hypo effects negatively? I know some angels don't handle cooper well, so hypo is recommended. Are this fish hypo isn't good for?

mr llimpid

All fish can handle hypo well, just make sure to raise salinity over a 7 day period. Only long term hypo will have bad results on there kidneys.


Staff member
Marine teleost fish are appropriate for hyposalinity. Fish such as sharks and rays are not. Teleost mean fish with bony skeletons.


Well-Known Member
You 2 know your stuff thanks for the info. Looks like all my fish are getting hypo. Iam new to the hypo game and your info was very helpful thank u

mr llimpid

Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/396079/hypo-and-qt#post_3528437
You 2 know your stuff thanks for the info. Looks like all my fish are getting hypo. Iam new to the hypo game and your info was very helpful thank u
Then you definitely want to read Beth's thread at top of this forum about how to do hypo. If it isn't done correctly you are wasting your time. Two tips while hypo'ing test your PH it will go down, have a buffer on hand. Test your ammonia levels daily have a batch of water ready and a bottle of Amquil+ or Prime on hand.


Well-Known Member
Good on all 3 lol I believe u and me have talked b4 and I got all those and a refractometer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/396079/hypo-and-qt#post_3528486
I could not believe how off my hydrometer was after I checked using my refractometer
Some are way off. But some are decently accurate. I would still always recommend a refractometer. It sounds like you are set up for success on your QT!!! Good luck!!


New Member
Hi, I'm new to the hobby and I was reading about quarantine tanks and how valuable they are to have... But I keep coming across "hypo" what exactly does that mean?


Well-Known Member
I was new to hypo and 3 wks in. All is going good. The ph does drop so that has to be watched and ammonia can creep up. But the fish are all alive lol