Hypo Helped :)


ok i first bought my puffer and trig I qt'd them both.
a week ago i noticed my puffer had many distinct spots on him.
its been 2 days now in hypo and garlic feedings and my puffer is spotless :cheer:
so look slike even though i qt's my new arrivals they still got ick.
Must have been poor water quality. i have a new PH coming and im gonna do more frequent water changes along with a better diet for my fish (garlic and Zoe and variety).
My question now is my puffer still has hazy eye, im gonna wait a couple weeks in hypo before i use antibiotics like maracyn 2, any other suggestions?


Staff member
Sounds like you are on the right track. Ich treatment does require 3 wks. Take a look at the new ich post in the FAQ Thread.


To be safe, I would continue the hyposalinity for 4 to 5 weeks, as the lifecycle of ich is long, like 30 days or so....This way you are sure to eradicate the parasite.
Good Luck!
John :)