Hypo ? need answer quick!


Active Member
I want to report on the progress of the hypo treatment. It's been over a week into the hypo and most of the signs are good. The ick seem to have disappeared totally and all fish looks healthy. The only problem is that my harlequin tusk which always had a monster appetite even with ick and all, seem to have lost it appetite. He's constantly hiding and look very skittish. The sg is at 1009 and ph is at 8.0. All the other fish responded well to the hypo except the tusk. What is wrong? I don't want to lose my tusk. Should I end the hypo early and bring sg back to normal?


Active Member
In the proces of raising PH right now. Here' a pic of the tusk. All the other fish is out and about swimming and eating like nothing is wrong. Do you think I should start raising the sg early?


Active Member
I have a portable refractometer, the salinity is at 1009-1010. The temp is at or around 78-79. I haven't done anything different to the lights that I didn't do before. I will wait and see a little longer. I really don't want to lose the tusk. :nope:


what is the differance im not trying to sound dumb but really i need to know. thats all i know. :notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by Terry B
Lets talk about the salinity rather than the Specific Gravity. You do know the difference, right? What is the salinity at?
Terry B

I assume you mean the readings on the right. It's reading at about 12 and the ph is at 8.2. The test only gives even number readings on ph. The sg is at 1009 and salinity is at about 12.


not to hijack this thread but i just lost my dwarf angel today...he was in my display that i'm performing hypo on (salinity 12ppt). he had some whitish faded patches on his body...could this have been becasue of the low salinity? i'm 2 weeks into the hypo