Hypo Notworking?


Its been 3 days since ive finished lowering the QT tank to .009 and my skunk and Hippo tangs are doing way worse then when the treatment started. My occelarious(w.e) does not seem to have any sign of the ich at all, even tho all are in quarentine together...
IS THIS NORMAL? (for them to get worse i mean.)


Active Member
Hypo does not do anything to ick in the attached stage. Post up some more information. Was this QT recently set up? What are you using to measure SG? How exactly are they acting/doing? What are your other parameters? What size QT? Are you using any other meds? How bad was the ick to begin with?

mr. limpid

Active Member
As long as your fish are eating and acting normal you are good. It takes about seven days for the attached ick to fall off, but the ick that were free swimming during the lowering of salinity basically freaked out and attached themselves in self defense. So it will take about seven days from the last ick that attached itself b4 your fish is free of ick. Just to let you know I currently have my fish in hypo and its been seven days as of today and last knight my butterfly is still looking bad, but eating well. Good luck and just watch your prams.


Me, too. My Powder Blue Tang is in hypo and the SG has been at 1.009 for 4 days. Over the past 4 days the spots have gotten worse...today being the worst.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us in this situation! I hate Ich.


Originally Posted by arod268
Are you using a hydrometer or refractometer? because hydrometers can be inaccurate

This is THE best statement. I learned first hand that the little swingarm hydrometers are useless! Example: I purchased a good Refractometer to use for hypo. My tank reading was 1.033. My swingarm that I had used for years read 1.024. Had I used it for hypo, I would have been wasting my time, and slowly watching my fish die...
VERY good advice from arod!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dinogeorge
This is THE best statement. I learned first hand that the little swingarm hydrometers are useless! Example: I purchased a good Refractometer to use for hypo. My tank reading was 1.033. My swingarm that I had used for years read 1.024. Had I used it for hypo, I would have been wasting my time, and slowly watching my fish die...
VERY good advice from arod!!!!!!!!

You mean you can't stick your finger in the water and taste the amount of salt...........jeeze and all this time....


Active Member
That is all i have ever used and everything SEEMS ok, my freind is ordering a refractometer we will have to compare the two to see how off it really is.
I am curious to know why they are so inacurate?


Active Member
Also, look into refractometer calibration fluid. I purchased some and realized that I was off by 0.0015 (ish).