hypo on 1 gal tanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30gal4fish
i am doing the hype indicated in this page http://www.petsforum.com/personal/tr...osalinity.html for 10 days.
any ideas.
got a yellow tang and flame.
the clown is doing good on this, this is his first day.
Am i reading this right that you are using a 1 gallon?
If so, don't bother putting the tang in there, it'll make things worse...
Your best bet is if you can get a cheap 10 gallon tank.
The problem with a 1 gal besides physical size, is that it's near impossible to keep the water quality anywhere near stable to promote the fish to get better.
Every ounce of evap will change the salinity...you won't have enough buffering power for PH.


yeah, a 1 gallon is def. too small, I have a 2.5 pico and once my sg reached like 1.030 or something crazy, just from 2 days of evap!


Yep Xan and sw65galma is right. you can't keep the water levels stable. 10gallon tanks are really cheap. I think it's $10 at *****. where are you located ? I have Two ten gallon tanks that are doing nothign in my backyard


Originally Posted by feixjai
1 GALLON!!!! for a tang and a angel and clowns!!!! wth!!!
easy, sheesh. I'd bet a LFS idiot said it would would be fine.
It's hard enough to ask for help. And then to find out the hard way that your local stores are all but worthless makes things even harder. Getting all "wth" isn't going to help matters.
Don't mean to be board police but being helpful is the only way this person's fish will have any chance of survival.