hypo problems


I've had two tangs in hypo for 3 weeks. One is a Scopas Tang and one is a Powder Brown tang. They both went in with equal amounts of Ich. I would say that it is moderate. The hypo is a eclipse 10 gallon. I followed Beth's wonderful step-by-steps. I lowered the salinity to 1.009 over the course of 3 1/2 days. I've kept up with feeding them and have been soaking their food in a little bit of freshly pressed garlic.
I've been removing/redripping 5 gallons of tank (than RO added to make 1.009) water twice a week to handle the nitrate/nitrite increases.
Riddle me this Batman: My Scopas looks beautiful. No ich. Very normal mannerisms. The Powderbrown looks worse. I also believe that he has a bacteria infection in his eye. His ich has increased in quanitity and is protruding more from his skin. The mannerisms have stayed the same: eating, swimming alot, erect posture.
What do I do. I only have the ability to have one quaranty tank. When do I decide to try and treat them separatly? Should I try some copper?
Thanks in advance.
I will eagerly answer any follow up questions. I want to save this fish.