hypo question


hey everyone....its time for my first hypo. I just read the FAQ and I just want to know how big the water changes need to be and how frequent exactly. Its a 45 Gallon. THanks everyone.


Staff member
Eels or ok with hypo. The process of exchanging the water should take place over a 48 hr period. I would suggest removing a gal of salt water and replacing it with a gal of buffered RO water every hour.
You really need to gauge the speed by how your fish are doing with the change. My feeling is that it is better to do several small incremental changes than a few large changes.
When you are finished with the procedure, however, you need to take much longer in raising the salinity back....over 5 days at least.
What are you using to measure salinity?


i am using a refractometer...its hard to do it every hour cuz i work full time. so how big of a change is safe at a time? thanks beth


Staff member
Try 2 gals an hr while you are at home. Do 1 gal then wait 1/2 hr, then do the 2nd gal. If the fish are fine with this, then you can up the amts.