Hypo/Silicates Question


I have been Hypo-ing my Puffer fish in a QT the last week now just using a Hydometer. He is looking much better. I was compelely against the Hypo, and opened the topic "copper experiment" last week. Anyway, I thought I would tell you all that the Hypo is working great. But have a few more questions.
I order the refractometer, as was advised, and that comes today. I was waiting to hypo the rest of the fish until I had a more accurate way of testing the salinity.
I am now going to start doing all the fish in my Main Tank. I don't have enough space in the 20g QT for all of the other fish. The puffer is 6", Naso is 5" and the fox face is another 5" + plus a couple of other small fish, an inch each.
I was thinking of putting the Puffer back into the main tank tonight, and taking out the Live rock and the few inverts I have in there, putting them in the 20g QT after I have rasied the salinity there.
I would then Hypo in whole main tank for 1 month. However, its going to be real hard getting out the sand out! I only bought 40pounds of live sand, and the rest was just dry bagged gravel like stuff. So I was thinking of just leaving the sand there. Any comments on that thought!
Removing the live rock may impact my bio-filter - is that correct?
I am starting to get a lot of diatom brown algea - my tank is about 3 months old - cycled 2 months ago. This I found out to be due to high silicates and not phosphates as thought, plus possibly high nitates. I tested the Phosphate, and these are 1 and nitrates very low - 10.
Will lowering the salinity effect the algea, and possibly the bio-filter, as I will now, have live rock in there?
How can I get rid of the silicates? I'm aware of phosp-zorb, but not anything with regard to silicates.
Any comments!