hypo to treat ick!


hello, i just hit my 48 hour hypo mark for treating ick. my question is how long will it take to start to see progress in the fish? also, is it best to leave it at this lever for 3 or 4 weeks, which one is best? thanks, brian.


Active Member

Originally posted by bzolnowski
how long will it take to start to see progress in the fish? also, is it best to leave it at this lever for 3 or 4 weeks, which one is best?

When my fish had ich the spots cleared up completely in less then a week. I didn't have a huge number of spots to begin with.
It is best to leave thre specific gravity down for the longer time. If you are religious with keeping the level @ 1.009 3 weeks after the spots are gone should be adequate. Gradually increase the salinity over another week so that your display tank can be fishless for a full month.