Hi, I have a 155 gal with a lifegard filter & fluval 404. We had a uv sterilizer going, but broke the glass part that the light slides into. I will be replacing that soon. We also have a protein skimmer going. We have a niger trigger, dog face & damsel & they have been well. Tank has been going since May of this year. 3 weeks ago we added a percula clown, naso tang & yellow tang. Water has been at 79-80 & salinity at 1.021. 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, 10 nitrates & ph at 7.9. Okay, I didn't quarantine the new comers & noticed a spot on the yellow tang a couple of days later. Noticed it scratching on some rocks. We started dropping the salinity to do hypo. I had the puffer & trigger in quarantine in the past for almost 3 months & am worried about putting them through that again so am treating in the main tank. We had live rock in, but not much & it seemed to have died off almost right away after the puffer & trigger moved in. So, I think its all dead or mostly. There is no inverts & I just want confirmation that this is okay to treat this way. Obviously it's taken over a week to drop the salinity & were still not all the way there, but looks like will be at 1.10 at the end of this evening. The fish are all eating well. The only one that looks bad is the puffer now. He is still eating, but he's definately not well & scratching on the bottom. His eyes are getting cloudy & he has the white spots on his fins. Looks like salt. Oh, the nitrite & ammonia is 0, & the nitrates are up to 15, ph is still at 7.9. Please advice. Oh I also am going to make up some food & soak it in garlic. I did that before & I believe it was a big part of there recovery. Anyways, Please let me hear your thoughts....and thank you.