hypo treatment ???'s


i started bringing down the salinity on monday, it is currently at 1.018, and i am going to drop more over the next couple days, i am keeping the temp up. but the fish look like the are getting worse
. the fish that have ich are my puffer, my sailfin, and my racoon butterfly. i did a fresh water dip with each on monday for 3 min. each.
is this normal, this is the first time i have done a hypo treatment so....................
please help


I've read it is best to keep the temperature low (75'ish). This will allow more oxygen in the water. Also, the animals will have a slower metabollism. Ich will multiply at a slower rate. Then, booom, the low SG will kill all ich.


low temp? man i keep getting all kinds of conflicting info. i was told by quite a few people that ich doesnt like warm temps. i am so confused. so they actually like warm water??


Staff member
No, keep the temp at normal levels.....it should only take you 48 hrs to drop the salinity. What is taking so long?


i have had a busy week with xmas parties and a seasonal job. i should have more free time tonight, whats the best way to drop it??? i have an 80 gallon FOWLR. i know its recommended to take the fish out but i dont have a hospital tank, so i have to roll the dice. but anyway, how much should i take out and then add of fresh???


Your SG is at 1.018. So, take out 50% and put it fresh RO slowly (like over 24 hr). That will set you to 1.009.


Yeah it does... Only if your aquarium can run initially at 50% capacity. That's why you have to replace the new water sloooowwwly...
Realistically, you prob have 70 gallon of water. Its all depending the displacement of your rock and sand. Also, you probably dont fill it up to the top of the rim.
It is always safer to take things slowly. If you want, you can do it with two water changes. The first 20 gallon of fresh water will bring your SG to 1.013. The 2nd 21 gallon will bring your SG to 1.009. Doing it twice will use 41 gallons of water instead of 35 (70/2) gallons.
If you want to do it three times: 15 gallon, 15 gallon, 13 gallon will get you to 1.009.


how significant of a difference should i expect?? as far as the ich?? is more spots normal? can i do more fresh water dips?? i understand that the ich cycle is 30 days right? this is the first ich case i have had in 3 years which was when i was reallllllyy new to the saltwater thing... i just tried the medicine and it was worthless.


I dont know at what SG ich start to die. I somehow think ich can still live at SG 1.018. Remember, part of the cycle, the ich is buried inside the skin/muscus layer of your fish. Fresh water will not touch these guys.


how about the garlic for the food, i have been giving it the fish even though they are already sick, just to try and keep there immune system up while i am doing all this stuff to the tank....


Staff member
go to the grocery store, buy a clove of garlic, bring it home, pull off one clove, remove the skin, chop up the garlic in a glass container to perserve the juices for your fish food, add fish food to minced garlic, cover, place in fridge for 30 mins, remove from fridge and feed the fish food to your fish, preferably target feed.


for how long? as long as i am doing the hypo? i think i am gonna try this when i add new fish in the future, i heard thats good too??