hypo without refractermeter


New Member
I have ick on my tang and I would like to do hypo but I only have a hydrometer. I have priced a refractometer and can't afford one right now. How dangerous is it to just use th hydrometer? Would doing a copper treatment be better? I hate meds

nm reef

Active Member
The accuracy and reliability of hydrometers are doubtful.......which is why I'd not rely on one for hypo.....it would be far too risky in my opinion.


I priced them too.. and found them cheap on the famous auction site.. They may not be the best ever.. but I'm sure its way better then the hydrometer.. I paid $25 shipped..


i have sybon refractometer (one of the best and accurate in the market) i have to a glass hydrometer i check both the SG to see the different and it was about 0.1 in the refractometer i was at : 1.010 and the glass hydrometer was 1.011 if you don't have the money you can buy glass hydrometer it's about $8 and even when you read 1.009 and in the real you are att 1.010 it's still good against the ich. and in the future when you can afford try to buy refractometer. the problem with the glass one that they flow with the water movement so you need to check with out pump working or to add to small plastic or glass bottle water from the tank and make the test.


Active Member
Well, if you can't afford the refractometer, I would at least take your hydrometer to the LFS and have them test it against a refractometer to determine how accurate your hydrometer is. Then, when you check the salinity each time, make sure that you are careful in getting all micro bubbles off the arm of the hydrometer.
I would not use copper with the tang. This can sometimes do more bad than good.