

New Member
Ok from what I have read and been told I need to start HYPO.
But I have a questions before I begin.
1. I only have 1 fish remaining and that is my CC startfish Do I need to remove him or can he stay during this process.
Also any other advise anyone many have will be of great help....


Active Member
If you do not have any fish left, there is no need to to hyposalinity. This will only decrease the life in your live rock and substrate with no significant benefits compared with waiting for a month. Keep the starfish in your regular tank. You can add snails and hermit crabs to this during the month needed for ich to die off by itself.


New Member
My Tank has been without fish for a couple of days now and the water is starting to get very cloudy Can u tell me why and what I need to do to fix it? Thanks for all your help!!!:D


Active Member
It is possible that you stirred things up when you removed your fish. Something probably rotting in the tank. This is sometimes a dead creature but also sometimes uneaten food.
What are your readings? If there is ammonia or nitrites in the tank your starfish may be at risk.
Consider doing a water change (if you have some preaged saltwater at the right salinity - I know you are doing hypo so this may not be possible.) Otherwise this will often clear on its own.