hyposalinity and coralline algae growth


Hi everyone! I've had a 90 FO tank since last January. I've had no problems until yesterday when I noticed that my blue hippo tang had white fuzzy spots on its body. No other fish at this time seem affected. In fact, the cleaner wrasse is "cleaning" the tang of it's spots. In any case, I was going to hyposaline the tank. My question is this: I have two pieces of rock with coralline algae on it. I'm using it to seed my base rock. Will dropping the salinity of the water damage the coralline algae


Staff member
I'm afraid you can not use hyposalinity on LR. Just set up a bucket with a a good Powerhead for the live rock.
If you are going to proceed with hyposalinity, be sure to take a look at the post in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. The procedure is detailed in that thread.


Active Member
I've used the hyposalinity on my live rock and i have not had a problem and it did not affect the coraline algea at all plus everything on it was still alive


Staff member
It kills what is in the rock, inverts. It will also kill your shrimp.