Hyposalinity and Fish Behaviour



Hello: I'm nearing the end of my second week of hypo and i have some concerns.
A) My eel has been on a hunger strike for about a month now. It's a SFE and he normally has a huge appetite? I've tried feeding sticks and garlic (shrimp, scallops, krill, *Can't seem to find silversides right now) but he doesn't take anything. Should I be concerned? What action should be taken?
B) My lion who used to love cocktail shrimp won't touch them... he only eats krill.
Has anyone else noticed odd behaviors while treating in hypo.


Staff member
Well, how are the fish doing otherwise?? Have you tried spot feeding the eel? Yes, I would be concerned.
What are your water readings and kind of tank do you have set up for the hypo treatment? How are the fish looking, behaving? Exactly how many days have they been in hypo?


Well I'm doing the hypo in my main tank. Ammonia and nitrates are 0. Salinity is 13 ppt or 1.008 @ 79 degrees according to my refractometer. PH is about 8.3 maybe 8.2... it's a color matching deal. All the other fish: lion, tusk, empreror angel, pb tang and df puffer are eating. Just my eel isn't. I recently moved and his favorite rocks are in quarentine since i'm doing hypo. Do you think he is uncomfortable?? Should I add some more dead rock to the tank? He is really big and has a great personality, i hate to lose him.