Hyposalinity Permanently for Ick-Free Tank


I was wondering if using hyposaline water in FO tank is possible permanently. Will the fish eventually be stressed? Does marine fish really need SG of about 1.021-24? How long will they roughly survive comfortably in hyposaline water if they are going to get stressed in hyposaline water?
Will pods survive?
Will this be possible, that is, keeping a few marine fishes and some rocks (for bacterial colonisation) in a tank of ich-free water at SG1.009. (no inverts)?
Just curious. Please share your thoughts and experience :)


Active Member
I don't know about the fish but I don't think the pods or anything else will live such as live sand, live rock, or inverts. Then you would never have anything grow on the rock such as coraline algea, plants or anything else, kind of a boring tank in my opinion.